Planning season is in full swing. We had a nice time seeing friendly faces at Hamilton Seedy Saturday on Feb 4th - thanks to everyone who came out to this busy event!
On the topic of seeds and seedlings - Spring seedlings are now available to pre-order from our webstore. We are growing many of the same varieties as in previous years, and there may be a few more available later in the Spring. Our plan this year is to focus on growing more perennial herbs - all things that we are also putting in the field on our permaculture orchard rows. Pre-ordering helps us to get a better idea of how much to grow of each variety, and you can dream about and plan your garden. Everything will be available at market and on farm when we start up in late April/May, and pre-orders will be open until May 10th.
We are doing another winter delivery/pickup day next Wednesday, Feb 15th. Deliveries will be in the afternoon, and on-farm pickup is available. We have some salad greens, root veggies, cabbage and all of our preserves. Salad will sell out fast! Order by 5pm on Tuesday the 14th. (Tip: in the webstore, you can sort items by category on the left-hand side.)
And a reminder that CSA signups are open for the 2023 season, which will run from June 7 to October 25. Find the signup form on the CSA page. We're excited to welcome some new members and many returning members who have signed up already. The Early Bird discount is $20 off until February 20th - make a 1st payment by that date to take advantage of this discount!
Lastly, Adam will be doing a seed starting workshop close to home, over at Generations Marketplace. The workshop will be on Thursday March 2nd at 6:30pm, and the cost per person is $25. You can register for the workshop on the Generations Marketplace website. Glad to be working with our farm neighbours - they have a lot of great stuff going on!