It's been a very busy April so far, and updates have been sparse on the ground, as all of our energy goes into the field and the greenhouse. We're pumping out plants and filling the field so that we can have another bountiful year to share with all of you.
The big news this week is that we'll be starting up our on farm market this Sunday. Hoping to have the signs repainted with the details in time! We'll be open every Sunday from 12pm to 4pm through the season. To start, we'll mostly have seedlings out for sale, with possibly some greens. As the season progresses and we get the word out, we plan to have more available on our open day.
You can also order through our webstore for on farm pickup, or just browse what's available! (To go right to the plants on the webstore, click on "Shop" on the top menu and select "Plants" from the drop down list - for some reason, plants doesn't show up as a collection to filter by on the main shop page.)
We've been back at Ottawa Street Farmers' Market on Saturdays for a couple of weeks - Adam has really enjoyed seeing so many friendly faces. Over-wintered greens and pea shoots will continue to be our main veggie items for the next couple of weeks, but if this warm weather continues, we'll soon have more variety of greens, plus radishes and other spring veggies on the way.
Both at Ottawa St Market and on farm, we will be physically distancing and wearing masks when necessary, still committed to everyone's safety and comfort as we all navigate lockdowns and mental health needs in year two of this pandemic.
Last week's freezing temperatures slowed things down a bit, but the snow and some prudently applied row cover insulated our newly planted crops against the worst of it. Such a change to this week's hot and sunny days!
We look forward to getting everyone's seedling orders out in May, and to all the delicious veggies this little plot of land will grow in 2021. In the meantime, we're taking care of ourselves by trying to spend the minimum amount of time required in front of the computer - come find us at the market and on farm!