We have our list of seedlings for sale, so get ready to dream of spring and summer! We are
so excited to start the season and grow some plants in our new greenhouse. The furnace will be set up soon, ready to be fired up in the first week of March.
Everything on the list, either in 4" pots or 4-cell packs, is $3 each or $5 for 2, unless otherwise noted. You can pre-order at any time, and we will deliver orders or arrange pickup starting in late April. If you pay in full for your seedlings before March 1st, take 5% off your total! We will be at the Ottawa Street Farmers Market starting April 18th, and you can always pick out your seedlings there or at the Mustard Seed Seedling Sale on May 9&10. See the list at branchingpathfarm.com/seedlings-and-perennial-plants or visit the google sheet version at: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mJg-vrVVUQ6Kw6zU57DF9oP2Qf4Bd0dZvSTYiuzCWPc/edit?usp=sharing